Sunday, August 30, 2015

29th August 2015 A Letter was also written - The One and Only

For your Information :-
Yo, whats happening  ill tell you what happened,
"......A thousand Aliens came down to earth from space, oops wrong news!

A letter was written on the 29th August 2015  & It's labelled as
" The One and Only".

Since you are not available, your letter is kept with me for safe keeping purposes.

That letter is private and personal, It cannot be displayed here in public domain.

When you meet me, remind me to show it to you or
Alternatively you can call me up right now and,
cajole me into giving it to you :P


P.s:- I could almost hear you say your words in reply,
that you would have given me now, for that last line.

30th August 2015 - I stand in front of the place we met

I stand in front of the place we met, But you aren’t here,
Sitting alone in this room I blankly stare with all my care,
Wondering if the very next second, I’ll see you anywhere,
At the emptiness of space between us,
Me  here and you awaiting for me there,
You may not have come a long time,
but I’ll still wait and I’ll still stare,
All alone in the room I sing my words,

I think about you and I pray some verse,
I wish that I see, forever you be, with me.
I pray that I reach out, my words for you,
even if you just read a few,
They say a lover dies a thousand lives,
I know it’s not true, I pray for you every time,
I wish my life to you, but then I think perhaps I am sure,
without me it won’t be fun for you no more.

You are so much meant to me,
not only my lover, my best friend, my muse,
The brightest light of my life's light and also its own cute fuse,

Cuddles and cute smiles, everything is going to be alright.
As long as you are with me, I’ll take care of you and treat you right.
You are the only one with whom I love all our small fights,

“I am in love with you”, I hope you are alright and fine,
when I find you again, I certainly hope you'll say these words to me,
For I missed you so much, there is no certainty,
I have nowhere better to be,
It is within your heart I want to be forever,

You own my heart right from the first day, the very beginning, the very start.
I am changed new, the heart remain same for you,
I think now, I’ve lost myself, searching for you.

The happiest day in my life was when we met,
Topped only by the day, when few words you had said,
I declared my love was all within you,
you returned back my love with triple carriage of love from you.
“I love you” is what we said,

 I was ready to lose my heart to you, but I lost myself within you instead.
Please come back baby, I am missing your smiles,
Your charms, your kisses and your handshakes, you are all mine,
I miss you like there is no shame, I need your passionate loving arms.
Now, all I can do is, just remember all those times,
And I sit here, waiting,

 Whispering your name, spinning out these lyrical rhymes.
It’s all driving me insane, as I call out in the dark, screaming and shouting out your name,
My eyes seek out your face, I want to hug you so much
it’s all keeping me sane
I feel your voice is saying somewhere, it  remembers my name,
and I close my eyes and whisper your name,
in grace, I pray wherever you may be,

May happiness find you all the way.
Towards me or to part, wherever you be,
You’ll forever be in my heart.
From P.M for you ....only you.

Friday, August 28, 2015

29th August 2015 - My Song for you - When you are not with me

i don't want to be the name on your wall,
you know the one, where you hang photos, places
and the guys you met  at the car park and the mall,

i want to be left alone in your heart, 
i don't want to be torn apart
I wanna be the only one, you see,
the special guy you always 
wanted me to be,
The only one you need.

I wanna scream, yet i won't shout,
i'll holler your name about, places and the city wherever i go,
visit shrines and some stubs,the walking paths and the rose shrubs,
wherever i go , its your likeness and your name that i see,
wherever i may be, its you only i need, and i seek.

drifting you so apart, i wanna pull the distance closing up,
i wanna zip the space that's so far and wide,
i want this love to be divine,
i wanna sing out this song,
but then i know you're not coming around,

Silent whispers and wishes i can make,
Cookies and cakes too crumble away,
This is my heart we talking about, 
no no no, not the one mentally taken by you but left at check out,

I am not the only one seeking out this song,
one of these days, you'll come about and then we shall see
who sings out this song,
it's all good baby between you and me.

Raise your arms open wide, i am coming in to decide,
Do i give you a kiss or a dozen few,
or am i the one to be loving you,
gently slow or furiously, your smiles all belong onto me.
Kisses too.
This isn't a rap or a pop song,
so stomp your feet and sing it along,
with me or without me, 

I wrote this without you by my side,

A tribute to you my darling,
You're flying late as usual be, 
i'm waiting for you to disagree,
i wonder if you'll come around, When you come, i'll show you this song.

Between us, many things have come and been,
Greatest one is in between, its called Love cant be touched, cant be seen, 
Experienced best when not conveyed or in helplessness witnessing.
Our story is such, it will make anyone go jealous green.
Did i miss out saying I love you , anywhere in between ?
Yours Truly 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

28th August 2015 - When you handle a rose, Don't be afraid of the thorn

Ignorant and alone, i am,
So i was thinking,
Is it really hard for her to do,
something i want, something i haven't told her how to do,

Then i thought to myself and this thought made me happiest and drove away all my pain,
It's the same thought that it drives you insane,
The magic words between us, all unsaid 

I thought to myself,
She is fallen in love with you, isn't that the happiest fact you could never fathom to be,
Just change your mind and help her in this love bargaining plea,
The ignorance is such, further you go, the harder the memories will come,
When i count two, one and one, still makes us one,

I've been there with you, a hundred odd more times,
and i kiss your lips, in my pure memories, and write for you a thousand times, 

You turned me into a poet, now i understand those romeos of history, i think i do,
why someone would give up their life,
willingly, as much i give my love and my words to you.

So to help you in this, ill retreat within,
far away when you think, "oh now he is gone",
i'll tap your back and remind you i am always 2 steps behind you and grin.

I understand this was a difficult time,
You know not what you have to do,
so let me make it easier for you,
follow my guidance and my instructions too,

Flame up, your heart for mine and clear out your mind,
Hold my hands, or hug me and check,
if everything feels, suddenly perfectly all fine,

See i told you, it was simple,

All this and much more coming out new,

You've lost your heart and found mine,
Let's exchange and keep it sealed, 
air tight, lock and keep, when you handle mine,

I'll handle your heart with lot of patience and love for you,
how else do I caress the whole of you,
without paying attention to the most important part of you.

I can give you my heart on a platter instead,
but i've already lost my heart way back to you,

Keep it or throw it,  Every single night you'll know it, 

Never again will your eyes go empty,

when you need me, you'd think, i might not be there,
but when you think of me, i'll be everywhere,
I may be far but i'm just a shout away whenever you want me i'll be there.
not in front of you, then i'll be seen, following footprints in the sand,
of the sweetest girl i've known, my amazingly heavenly divine being,
You are my queen and i'll be following you, althrough out this life's  screen. 

"Try me" .... This is how, if you care to dare,
When you handle roses, never be afraid of the thorns,
You my dear darling, are my adorn, my beauty and my brains,
and my fragrance of a million roses, the reason behind why i am love torn
and the reason why, every poem of ours blows it's tooting horns,

You're my sweetheart, and i wont ever hurt you, dont treat like like a thorn.
even if i keep whiffing at your fragrant memories, every single of them,
i love to haunt, these memories are precious, your gifts to me,
Scattered like few diamonds in a dark sky,

I miss you more than i could ever say, 
Now the only way i know, I wrote these words, to convey,
You mean to me much, much more than any words here read or seen.
You are definately much much more, than the kingdom of heaven, than all my dream,
Everywhere i go, you remain unseen, wherever i've been.
All this is for you darling,

To, My One and Only,
The most sweetest human being , My sweetest of the sweet,My Divine queen.

From :- Poarousasp.E.Mistry

26-08-2015 Saying your name

I stand in front of the place we met,
But you aren’t here, Sitting alone in this room I blankly stare with care,
Wondering if the very next second, I’ll see you anywhere,

 At the emptiness of space between us here and there,
You may not have come for a long time,
but I’ll still wait and I’ll still stare and hope i see you soon.

You are not only my lover, my best friend, my muse, the brightest light of my life,
Cuddles and cute smiles, everything is going to be alright.
As long as you are with me,even if not,
i'll take care of you and treat you right.
You are the only one with whom I love all our small fights, and dare to be rights.

"I am in love with you, I hope you are alright and fine",
when I find you again, I certainly hope you'll say these words to me,
For I missed you so much, there is no certainty,
I have nowhere better to be,
It is within your heart I want to be forever,

You own my heart right from the first day,
the very beginning, the very start,

The only first beat i felt inside, when i saw a shy grin of your smile,
I am changed new, the heart remain same for you,
I think now, I’ve lost myself, searching for you.

The happiest day in my life, was when we met,
Topped only by the day, when few words you to me were said,
I declared my love was all within you,
you returned back my love, with a triple carriage of love from you.

“I LOVE YOU” is what we said,
I was ready and had lost my heart to you,
but I lost myself, within you instead.

Please come back baby, I am missing your smiles,
Your charms, your kisses,your hand shakes,
that sly shy smile winking at me and of course those sweet amazing legs,

Now now now i cant type everything i miss, all within this text.

Everything you are, were and will be, Now, you are all mine,
I miss you like there is no shame, I need your passionate loving arms. 
Now, all I can do is, just remember all those loving sweet times,
And I sit here, waiting,
Whispering your name, spinning out these lyrical rhymes.

It’s all driving me insane, as I call out in the dark,
Screaming and shouting out your name,
My eyes are thirsty, they seek out your face,
and I close my eyes and whisper your name in grace.

Talking to myself, saying out your name,
i remain, yours truly,
And then i know you're out, somewhere,
You'll be doing the same, equally saying out my name.

Hope you are saying this too, 
"Every day and night, i am missing you too ,
Now, you know i do,
All my waiting ends, whenever i am with you,

27th August 2014 ( 2nd poem) - Baby You're Mine

When i miss you, i recall the words we exchanged,
i think of loving you every single day, 
and this is just one of the ways,

The sun sets wherever it wants 
but i feel the excitement deep inside,
even when i try to hide, 
your name comes out from deep dark,
as much as i say it with pride, the memories take me out for a ride.

Thrill of my life is when i remember the words you said to me,
but as much as they were said with glee,
i need more such  fuel to take me ahead, 
from the place in your heart, where you wanted me to be.

You turned me from a man into a poet, 
i write these words for you to read,
i wrote more than a few pages, 
surely you've all read it i feel.

You went away without bidding me goodbye,
surely baby , ill be waiting for you to take me in your stride,

i know i say too much, but these words will one day end,
That way you'll know i've come to my own end.
Until we meet again, ill be waiting holding out my heart,

Keep smiling honey, stay happy always, 
i pray for you and send wishes for you, always this way,
Even when i have to exit this world 
and this will be the last thing i'd whisper away,
I'll enter deep within your precious memories and inside your heart,
This is where i belong, I've found my home,

Finally I rest in my memories, I love you so much, 
your  name and your  heavenly voice,
That giggling sweet shy sound touches me such,

I am so much bound, in love and memories of you.
Bound by your kisses and hugs, i feel you're missing me too,
so let me take this opportunity to say, "I Thank you",

All these years i missed my heart 
And i didn't know i was waiting for you, 
You're are the tick in my clock and the lip in my lock,
Honey, now stop everything and come to me fast, 

Let's see who says these words first or last,

"My Darling, My Baby, i really really really, LOVE YOU".

Both ways you'll win,
I'll ensure, if you whisper it first or say it fast at last, 
First or last doesn't count between us, 

Yet, we win, because i love to hear your voice saying this tune,
You are my favorite sound, my heavenly precious soul, 
Within you i am eternally deeply bound.

Your smile is my reward,
your sweet whispers are my favorite tune,

your everything, even your anger is such,
its my favorite way to fume,

Give me your smile and ill steal away your frowns, 

Kissing your cheeks, and smooching your face, 
Tender sweet smile, 

What i would do now, Just to hold your face.
My fate remains, i await that day, when i see you in front of me,

Hand to face, lips to lips,
smiles to smile, many wishes within.

Goodnight my love, and i love that great smile,
I may be many miles away from you, 
But i can still make you gleam and shine, 
Let me thank you one more time,
All because you said the words to me
" Baby, You are mine".

24-August-2015 Missing you until it hurts, then again it heals yet this hurts.

You planned to disappear and go away far,
Untold or unseen i've not heard from you my heart,
i understand see you ignoring me many a times,
i see, may be, you don't need me or my rhymes,

It's ok, whatever you do, i have no other choice,
Nor do i have any right to raise my voice,

So the second best thing that i can do is,
Offer you the freedom that i didn't receive from you.
You stayed silent and left me alone,
So now i make a deal with you,
the only way i have  been 

You've strayed away so far, you've lost my sight,
i kept the lights on for you, every single night,
Days were not easy, the nights i wept asleep,
The heart was burning holes in way too deep.
These words are not easy to say,
i know you are not interested in knowing them too,
But yet, some day, whenever you read them,
I'd like to convey this much to you

I was waiting then,
And now yet,I am still waiting for you,
For you are my only love, my best friend,
My soul and my beat,
I am not taking this away from you,

But as i swim towards the shore,now i can see,
how i was left alone to sink in the seas,

The seas of friendship, love and life,
Were sinking me deep all along, 
Yet even when i was sinking, i was singing you a song,

So i try to swim ahead, towards the shore,
When i'll land there, my words won't be sung no more,
Singing such songs,in the seas of our time, 
how stupid of me, i thought i was making a love shrine.

When i am no more and these words reach you, 
consider me valuable, you will mean to say
how much i meant to you,
but then my words are not here to teach you,

A time, will come when you will have many words to say,
the world might listen, but then they will all only be coming into your way.

You'll tell a million souls, what and how much, i meant to thee,
They shall listen all, in hundred, thousands, millions,
Except the one whose supposed to be me.
Your message will not reach my ears or soul,
You will be lost, searching in words, until you'll say no more.

This is not my wrath, not my wish, not my very own.
Today i'm going through this,
When i pass away here, i'll be no more.

Silence plays its role in time,
If you miss me so much, 
Just keep your heart in rhyme, 
you know my beat, so much deep within,
when the beat stops and you start to sing,

Tell me such that you are mine,
And you will see me waiting for you,
Behind your frowns, your charming smiles will be mine.
Did i ,or did i not say,
I'll love you until the end of time?

Go ahead and smile happy endings always shine.
Thank You for being mine!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

27th August 2015 - A Riddle to start the day

All the hands up the air,
Pouting lips and that smile is all i care,
You stay in my heart everyday,
It's Cat walk on the scene,

Baby, i got a riddle, I'll dare to share,

Solve it now and my hearts the prize,
So spare a minute and please do care.
Read carefully and ill stay,
no choice options given, just these words, 


I start this riddle with a smile,

L made out on my fingers,on my both hands spread out wide,
O said as in "Oh" this feeling i feel inside, those which you try to hide,
V say it as in us two, you and I equals as "WE",
E as in Everyone, Where i go, your'e the only one i seek to see.

Y as in "Why" did you go away,
O said as "OH", i'll scream it again all in ten different ways,
U pronounced as in "YOU and I"

The riddle holds still, the prize is not at all sly,
The message is clear its you i need,

So beat your hands up in the air, say my name and repeat the game. 

You hold the key to my heart, 
everywhere i go, i just see you every part,

God help me, reach this message out to you,
and save me, someone somewhere is thinking of me,
as i do of her too,

Hugs & kisses, solve the riddle or not, 
it's not easy to say, but I am missing you in all my thought.

I think perhaps, you'll reply this way,
".....I was never meant to feel this way,
but i often do,
Every single moment i spend, 
i just can't stop thinking of you,..."

You had asked me to clarify, who am i,

So here is my answer with a smile,
"I am yours", 
go ahead and now ask me "why"!